Win today’s giveaway! Just tell us what you did (or are going to do!) for today’s Project by 7:00 PST on Thursday and you will be entered into the drawing for today’s prize: The Marriage Cod

So leave your comment below to be entered to win!

While this is the second week of our project, if you have friends who want to join in, let them know that they can jump in any time. You don’t need to have The Husband Project book in order to participate, but you definitely will get more out of this(and be able to plan better) if you read along. You can order it on Amazon or for a special price on my website.

And yesterday’s winner? Heidi! Please e-mail and she will get it right out to you!

Project #13

On My Mind

Turning Your Thoughts Towards Him


Your Project:

Set up reminders during your day to think and pray for your husband. Let him know sometime during the day that he has been on your mind.


Thinking of Him, on Purpose   

            Your life is so busy that there are days when showering suddenly seems like an unaffordable luxury. Your to-do list makes you feel done-in (even though nothing ever seems to get done). I’m at a point in life where many of my days seem to be over before they really got started. I have grand plans of writing the great American novel, redecorating our bedroom, and cooking gourmet meals for my family. The reality? Most often it is writing an e-mail, making the bed, and mac-n-cheese. There are days when I could go for hours, so totally involved in the minutia of my own existence, I can totally forget to really think about, or pray for, my husband

            Not that my husband is forgettable, by any stretch of the imagination. The problem is, he rarely needs a ride to Haley’s house, doesn’t have teenage dating drama and is able to self-monitor his computer time, unlike the other members of our household. He’s pretty self-sufficient, so it’s easy for me to let him cruise on auto-pilot while I meet what seem to be more pressing work and family needs.

            The biggest problem in all of this is that I want and need to pray for Roger, and yet, that can get lost in all the daily drama of life.

            My husband desperately needs my prayers. I know this – but it seems that on many days, unless I’m absolutely intentional about praying for him, my whole day can slip by with nothing more than a nod towards heaven on Roger’s behalf.

            I can somehow find time to eat, read, and watch the occasional Gilmore Girls’ rerun, but prayer seems a little out of reach.

            That’s why I must be sure to make prayer something other than a footnote in my day. Roger and I have made it a habit to pray for each other while he drives to work (who knew a key element to improving my prayer life would be Bluetooth technology?). It’s at this point that I can learn what’s pressuring him each day and how I can pray for him throughout his time at work. I also have an Outlook reminder on my calendar to remind me to lift him up throughout my days of working and carpooling.

            What can you put in place to remind you to think about your husband throughout the day? Be creative. Maybe it’s a picture of him on your dashboard, or spraying his cologne on a scarf and keeping it in your purse. Whatever it is that reminds you of him, keep it around so you can call him later that day and say, “You’ve been on my mind all day.” Trust me, it will make his day.


Prayer for Today

Dear God, let me speak when words are an encouragement.


Getting Creative

    * Set an alarm on your cell phone for every couple of hours today. Let this be a reminder to stop and pray for your husband throughout the day.

    * Do you have a picture of your husband on your cell phone? Make sure you do so that when he calls, his cute face will show up. (Ask a techie teenager to show you how to program this on your cell.) 

Project Reports

“The best way for my husband to know I’ve been thinking about him during the day is to have his iced tea brewed and ready when he comes home. Another phone call interrupting his day does not communicate love for him. I just have to leave a sticky note reminder for myself to remember to do it.”



“I always check in with my husband because he leaves for work at 4 am. So I usually call him and say good afternoon around 7am. Then I go into talk about questions for the day etc. Well today I called him and sang to him over the phone our song. He laughed and thought it was really cute. He said thanks for the laugh.”
