More thrifty but thoughtful gift ideas!


9. Plastic or Paper? Both! Give your child’s teacher a gift card to your local bookstore, coffee shop, or café, along with a note of appreciation. In Proverbs 12:25, it says, “An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.”


10. Game Time. Age-appropriate games are great to play in the classroom on rainy days. Plus, they often go on sale at rock-bottom prices in the weeks after Thanksgiving.

11. Subscribe Today. Do you have a budding shutterbug in the family? Show your support for your child’s passion by giving him or her a subscription to a photography magazine. Buy the current issue off the newsstand and wrap it up with a homemade coupon good for photo printing.


12. Trinkets for Teachers. Disposable cameras, roller-ball pens, note cards, and stamps are often expenses that come out of the teacher’s pocket. Say out loud, “My child’s teacher does not want another mug!”

What was the best gift you received that was under $10?