Men…they can be difficult to shop for. You can only buy so many ties or golf themed ideas.
Sylvia writes:
Hi…do you have any wonderful ideas for the hubbys ? I am always looking for the special thing for Jim ! Usually he loves anything…but come on…there must be something guys just love ! I AM getting him a massage ! That is one good thing ! And he asked for a new watch & wallet..(done !)…hmmm….not a wire letter…for him ! lol
The biggest hits with Roger have been:
He loved it – $199 at Best Buy.
Tivo High Def Recorder.
HP Mini Computer – my son loved it!
A space heater (because that is as close to curling up next to a fire as Roger can get at our fireplaceless house…
I don’t know if Jim is a techie, but if so, Wired magazine is great and if he is a tinkerer, then Maker magazine rocks.
….and a guy can never have too many Leathermans.
From Sylvia:
Hi…do you have any wonderful ideas for the hubbys ? I am always looking for the special thing for JIm ! Usually he loves anything…but come on…there must be something guys just love ! I AM getting him a massage ! That is one good thing ! And he asked for a new watch & wallet..(done !)…hmmm….not a wire letter…for him ! lol
My answer:
The biggest hits with roger have been: Logitech Remote (loved it). Tivo High Def recorder. HP mini computer (for my son, loved it). I am getting Roger a personal heater this year because he LOVES curling up by a fire. Don’t know if Jim is a techie, but if so Wired magazine is great and if he is a tinkerer, then Maker magazine rocks. and a guy can never have too many Leathermans.
So true about the leatherman!!
My words of advice – PAY ATTENTION. The gift may be big but then again it may be something small, even something that seems random but will make his day. One year I gave my husband a wallet from Target. It was cheap but he loved the way it was styled and I noticed him looking at it one day when we were shopping together. To this day he still says how much he likes it. Right now I’m shopping for sunglasses to replace the ones he lost a month ago… Details…