How do you make a lesson memorable?
I am writing an article on how do you make the lessons you teach memorable. (I have a newsletter that I send to church leaders with this as the featured article. If you are a church leader and don’t recieve this, let me know at kathi at and I will add you to the list!) I want to offer some additional ideas and that is where you come it.
Whether you are a Sunday School teacher, a Bible Study Leader, a Youth worker, or someone who has been under some good teaching, I would love to hear what lessons made an impact. Please share your ideas in the comments – and of course – it wouldn’t be a Kathi Lipp blog project without a prize! I will be giving away my booklet 50 Ways to Love Your Project on Purpose Everyone who submits an idea by Thursday at 6:00 will be entered.
And, if you are a teacher – here is one of the many great ideas, shared by Deanna Luke, that has already been shared:
Oranges make a great lesson on sharing. You consider how many students you have…take the fewest number of oranges to class that willl section out so each student will get a section of orange. Tell them you want to share but only have (3 or how many it will take) oranges. You talk about how much you like to share as you peel each of the oranges. Then breaking it into sections you start passing them out. The students suddenly see there are many ways to share.
It has actually worked in a church filled with adults who were at an impasse over something petty. I love it!!!
I somehow can remember a sermon that I heard about 20 years ago that my dad preached. He taught us ToN of RoPe in LA. It is an acrostic to remember Phil. 4:8. It teaches the order of the list. T-true, N-noble,R-right, P-pure, L- lovely, A-admirable. It is a silly because it has nothing to do with the verse, but I still remember it and use it to say the verse still today.