WARNING: If you are going to tell me about your latest diet and how I should be following your rice-free goat cheese-enhances food plan just stop your skinny rear end right here. I mean it. You will be in the same category as people who tell me that I should throw out my TV or that I’m harming my kids (who BTW are all over 18) by letting them read non-Christian fiction. I haven’t had a decent treat in three days and I’m in no mood for such silliness. You have been warned.
I got myself back to the big WW. (All you girls above a size 6 know what I’m talking about.) And let’s just say I’m not loving it.
I just saw a whole news item about how “Dieting Doesn’t Work”, right next to another article about how if I don’t lose 10% of my body weight RIGHT NOW I should just resign myself to being an invalid by the time I’m 45.
What is an overweight girl to do?
I have tried so many times. I have lost tons of weight, gained tons of weight, and generally been miserable about it all the time. And I have to say, I’m getting tired.
- I’m tired of people who have never struggled with their weight making it seem like those of us who struggle with their weight are fat just to annoy them.
- I’m tired of Jay Leno and his fat jokes.
- I’m tired of only seeing perfect people on TV unless it’s the first six episodes of The Biggest Loser.
- I’m tired of being told “Diets Don’t Work” and then being shamed because I am having a very hard time making a diet work.
I bet some of you are tired too.
I am trying to pray a lot about this. I am praying until God’s truth becomes a reality for me:
1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
Proverbs 16:3
Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
So, I’m asking you, my cybery friends – would you pray for me?
Would you pray for me, just today, that I would believed those verses and be transformed by them?
And friend, I would love to do the same for you. You can either leave the prayer in the comments, or e-mail me at kathi at kathilipp.com (I write it like that so spammers won’t grab my address. You know what it really is :)) I would be honored to pray for you.
I hate that the clothes I bought in May don’t fit me. I hate that when I tried a dress on last night to wear to a wedding next week, my husband said “you could wear a spanx with that!” I hate that I am always focused on food and dieting.
I read somewhere that self discipline is remembering what you really want. I pray for us to remember what we want and that God guides us to make the right choices to achieve what it is that is important to us.
You’re back!! I missed you when you were on blog haitus. And, I’m with you on the dieting thing. Girl, I hate dieting. It just sucks the energy out of me. But, I also hate not being able to wear my skinny jeans. That also really sucks. I’ll pray that you’ll find the right balance between health and life.
Dear Father, i lift up my sister, Kathi, to You right now. You know her ( and my) struggles with weight, body image, etc. Please impress upon her heart (and mine, too) that we are so very much more than a body no matter what size it is. Lord, i don’t know Kathi, but i just imagine that she is a woman of infinite worth in Your eyes and in the hearts of her loved ones. Please help her to rest in You and allow You to guide her in healthy living. In Jesus precious name, Amen.
Dear God, Please bless Kathi and me and all the other chubbettes (especially those of us who remember that clothing designation from our childhoods) who have been made to feel less worthy to be part of humankind because we “display” how much we enjoy all those delicious fat-filled, sugar-coated treats that You have allowed to be exposed to us. Help us to learn PORTION CONTROL because conquering that one thing might alleviate our snarkiness. Amen.
Hey Kathi, I so appreciate your honesty. I have struggle with my weight (and all the related issues) for years. I have joined and re-joined WW more times than I’m willing to admit. I so understand what you are saying and going through. I’m praying for you. Love and hugs, Terri
Kathi, I was so moved by your post today it brought me to tears. I to know how you feel and understand the inner battle you feel. You know the answer its God. I too still struggle and this is what he wants us to do is pray for on another. I am honored to pray for you and hope that the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ.
Remember to let us know how you are doing don’t keep us hanging:) just the inner battle not the scale:)love ya girl. Aloha Shawna
P.S. You should come speak and come visit-a peaceful place and beautiful place too.
Love you all and am praying for all the comments, e-mails that I’ve received in the past 18 hours. Love each and every one of you.
You got it sister!!!
May God help you learn to love the body you’re in while you transform it to the body He thinks it should be.
I am seriously betting it ain’t a size 6.
I prefer to be larger, softer, smoother and more luxuriously built! Just like to get rid of the extra chin and some of the pooky belly. LOL
Pray for me…..yes please!!! 16 year old daughter….’nuff said! She’s killing me, killing me, I tell ya!
Hey Kathi, I’m praying for you and would love it if you’d pray the same thing for me. Right in there with you on this one! Blessings and health!
Thanks Kathy. I love your blog and you are an inspiration. May God bless your efforts!
I love how people here are actually praying for you!…not just offering suggestions to “fix it.” So often requests for prayer become therapy sessions in which well meaning friends tell us what we should be doing, what we should NOT be trying, what worked for them or their 2nd cousin twice removed on their mother’s side, etc. And let me just say once more…you are the eptiome of radical transparency! You go girl. (btw, that last line was not me telling you what to do) 🙂
I love your dis-closer at the beginning, I always want to say the same, when size 4 people tell me they are getting fat, I just want to ask what does that make me and my size 14 body??
Thank you for the verses, don’t get discouraged, you are created in God’s image so you are beautiful no matter what.
I will be praying for you (and for me as well)
I was one of those size 6ers until I turned thirty-eight. And while I am blessed to gain weight evenly enough that people say they can’t tell, I am definately feeling that I am not in the physical condition I would like to be in. On the other hand, my sister-in-law is about 80 pounds overweight. She had her gallbladder removed and has had a struggle ever since. She walks for an hour each day and does weight bearing exercises three times a week. Her doctor was all over her about losing weight until she did a stress test and was able to complete it at the hightest setting. She is very healthy and her heart is strong.
Maybe if you stop thinking about losing weight and start tryig to get physically fit, the change in perspective will help. I think you are beautiful the way you look now, but it would be awesome to know that you are not going to die early on us from a heart attack nor suffer with diabetes for years.
Love you tons, and will defintely be praying for you.
As someone who struggled with weight issues of the opposite kind most of my life, I can relate. Since turning 30 (a billion years ago..or maybe only 10) my body has so changed that now I’m struggling to keep weight off! I will pray for you!!
Oh Father,
I know You bless faith. In Your word You say it is impossible to please You without faith. But Lord it also says that You know we are but dust and You know our failings in believing You and Your Word. Lord, I ask that today You make 1 Corinthians 10:13 and Proverbs 16:3 come alive for Kathi. Lord, help her choose in the very marrow of her bones to believe You. Lord, make Kathi a pleasing aroma to You. Amen
I pray for you, peace…and health. That you would come to understand the way God made *your* body and know how best to take care of his masterpiece.
For me, I’d ask that you pray for favor with a home we’d like to buy. It has real closets and everything!!!
Ohhhhhh. You know I get this. I am also trying to control my fingers from typing the “strong” words of frustration and commiseration in my head because of your friends that may stop by and not know me and get offended. Simple answer, I will pray for you as you asked.
Kathi, I saw my mom struggle for years with this same battle, not believing that she found her worth in God not in her weight. I believe I subsequently delt with weight issues of a different manner in my late highschool and college years. Even now I have a squed body image. I’m learning day by day, that God created us all individually & uniquely. Why then are we sad that we don’t all look the same? I urge you to not only take hold of the scriptures you posted, but also another I will send you via email.(sorry, I’m currently strapped into a hospital bed recovering from surgery!) stay strong sister, be of god cheer, for he has overcome the world!!!!
Amen! I appreciate your honesty… you are right on. The diet industry makes so much money on people’s desperation. Our great grandmothers didn’t have to negotiate driving passed 75 opportunities on our way home to eat / drink unhealthy things. There are entire aisles in the grocery store I do not even go down, because things will end up in my house, and then in my mouth.
The fact is, in order to be healthy in this day and age, you must be counter culture. And it does get tiring. I will pray for you, because it is prayer that has set me free from constantly thinking about food… what I can eat, what I cannot, should not WANT TO EAT.
I am not perfect, and do not try to be anymore. I do try to go to God when my mood is driving me to eat, to a friend when I am lonely, etc. I enjoy eating when I am hungry, and try not to eat when I don’t need food. God bless you, Kathi. You have blessed me so much with your speaking, writing, you are so annointed (and funny!) God will help you find your balance.
I just re-subscribed…sorry…could have taken just a few seconds to notice the big box on the side of the screen! LOL. =)
I got a new email address if you can add that to your list? I’ll subscribe again too. Wanted to tell you I just shot you a personal email and would love to hear back from you. God bless you and hang in there!