WARNING: If you are going to tell me about your latest diet and how I should be following your rice-free goat cheese-enhances food plan just stop your skinny rear end right here. I mean it. You will be in the same category as people who tell me that I should throw out my TV or that I’m harming my kids (who BTW are all over 18) by letting them read non-Christian fiction. I haven’t had a decent treat in three days and I’m in no mood for such silliness. You have been warned.

I got myself back to the big WW. (All you girls above a size 6 know what I’m talking about.) And let’s just say I’m not loving it.

I just saw a whole news item about how “Dieting Doesn’t Work”, right next to another article about how if I don’t lose 10% of my body weight RIGHT NOW I should just resign myself to being an invalid by the time I’m 45.

What is an overweight girl to do?

I have tried so many times. I have lost tons of weight, gained tons of weight, and generally been miserable about it all the time. And I have to say, I’m getting tired.

  • I’m tired of people who have never struggled with their weight making it seem like those of us who struggle with their weight are fat just to annoy them.
  • I’m tired of Jay Leno and his fat jokes.
  • I’m tired of only seeing perfect people on TV unless it’s the first six episodes of The Biggest Loser.
  • I’m tired of being told “Diets Don’t Work” and then being shamed because I am having a very hard time making a diet work.

I bet some of you are tired too.

I am trying to pray a lot about this. I am praying until God’s truth becomes a reality for me:

1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

Proverbs 16:3
Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

So, I’m asking you, my cybery friends – would you pray for me?

Would you pray for me, just today, that I would believed those verses and be transformed by them?

And friend, I would love to do the same for you. You can either leave the prayer in the comments, or e-mail me at kathi at kathilipp.com (I write it like that so spammers won’t grab my address. You know what it really is :)) I would be honored to pray for you.