Birthdays, Mother’s Day, and Valentines Day – the Holy Trinity of potential dooms days…

Every other commercial is setting up half the planet’s population for a disappointment in less than a week. The overriding theme? If someone doesn’t get you bling next Monday, you must not be loved.

Most men are not great at the whole “Huge expectations without any guidance” kind of days. (This is not to dis Roger, but I will say there have been a couple of times where I have just gone to bed until the day is over.”)

I want to make sure that you – and I – have a great day next Monday. Whether or not you have a grand love in your life. Whether or not that person pulls through this holiday.

  1. Keep your Expectations Realistic – If your husband didn’t know how to shop last week, he didn’t figure it out this week. Know the people in your life and keep your expectation down to earth.
  2. Ask for What You Need – If what you really what for Valentines Day is just some movie time with the one you love (husband, kid, friend) ask them in advance and don’t expect them to read your mind.
  3. Plan your Own Valentines So what if after being direct and asking for what you need, you still don’t get the couple of totally reasonable things that you had hoped for.  My advice? Plan on it.

Even the best of husbands can have a really hard time in the holiday department – and for many of the best women in the world there is no husband by their side to celebrate them.

Married or single, make sure you make some of your own plans for the day.  Here are just a few of the ways you can celebrate you on this very special day.

  • Stock the fridge with the specialty tea that is too expensive for everyday.
  • Plan a girl’s day with someone else and celebrate each other.
  • Ask the man in your life (husband, boyfriend, brother, dad) to take your kids so you and your mom can have some time.
  • Buy your own expensive chocolate
  • Celebrate someone else you love (but not just your kids – a friend or a mentor)