Your Project
If God is telling you to wait on part or all of your goal, figure out what you can do right now, to get started.
From the time I wanted to write THE ME PROJECT (formerly called, YOU GOAL GIRL!) from the time it was released, it was 10 years.
I had to take a lot of teeny, tiny steps along the way. While I was in a bad marriage. While I was a single mom and working full time. While I was working on my speaking career – and while we had four teens – at the same time.
Here were some of the tiny writing steps I took,even when life was very inconvient…
- I spent some of my lunch breaks with my writing journal, jotting down ideas for future projects
- While waiting at the doctors or dentist office, I read writers magazines instead of People Magazine
- I listened to CDs about the writing process instead of the top 40 station while driving to and from work
- While my kids swam at the community pool, I outlined articles and researched magazines I would like to write for someday
When my kids were asleep, – that was when I wrote. It may have only been two sentences, or an idea for something that I wanted to do – someday, but I wrote. I knew that I may not finish an actual article, but I also knew it was important to lay the groundwork for the career I was dreaming of.
Was it selfish to yearn for writing time when I had so many other things going on in my life? Many people may think so – I saw it as honoring the dreams that God laid on my heart.
Here are twenty things that you could do, right now, that don’t take more than 20 minutes and will get you closer to your goal:
- Read an online article pertaining to your goal
- Research how much an online class would be
- Search for a podcast of a lecture about your goal
- Check your community college’s catalog for a class pertaining to your goal (even if you can’t take the class for three years, you can at least know what is available.)
- The next time you take your kids to the library, spend some time looking at what books you can find on your subject.
- See if there are any online demonstrations you can watch.
- Find a blog that is devoted to your goal.
- Start a binder where you can keep all the info on your goal.
- Sell something on E-bay to help pay for supplies
10. Set up a folder on your computer dedicated to your goal.
11. Clean a shelf in your garage or basement to dedicate to the “stuff” for your goal.
12. Start a wish list of books and materials you need to accomplish your goal. The next time your kids/parents/husband/friend asks you what you want for your birthday/Christmas/anniversary, you will actually be able to say something besides a gift card.
13. Schedule 10 minutes a day on your calendar for working on your goal
14. Create a line item in your budget for your goal (discuss with your husband if you have one!)
15. Find a conference that would be worth attending and get on their mailing list for upcoming workshops and events.
16. Talk about your goal with a friend that you love. Ask them to pray for you about it.
17. Learn some of the basic terminology or your passion.
18. Send someone in your field of interest a thank you note for inspiring you.
19. Start a blog about your passion (yes, that can really take less than 20 minutes…)
20. Find a local group that is dedicated to you goal.
So my question for you is this – what could you do, in the next three days, for 20 minutes, to get closer to your goal.
Write it down here, and if you are randomly choosen from the comments, you will recieve a copy of THE ME PROJECT.
My jaw just about dropped off when I read this blog posting today. I am a single mom working full time and I have begun my dream of writing a book for single moms. But with the craziness of a busy life, I recently came to the conclusion that it’s going to take a lot longer than I expected to write this book. Thank you, Kathi, for the inspiration and helping me to remember that it’s about God’s timing. I have already promised myself I will write for 15 minutes a day, but I have not been able to stick to it. So, my goal tonight is to figure out what I can cut out so I can absolutely write 15 (or 20!) minutes a day. Then, I need to pick a regular time every day when I do it so I can just make it into a habit.
Hi Kathi,
I hope you are well today.
I’ve got the exercise thing going, hooray!
Now I will set my timer for 20 mins each day (after my workout) and dedicate that time to decluttering my environment. This is gonna be awesome! Why? Because I know once I start I’ll want to punch the timer for another 20 mins. I love being on a roll.
I’m going to the farmer’s market on Saturday and will purchase two veggies that I’ve never eaten before. Then go online and find some receipes/ways to fix them. I figure I’ll spend 20 minutes exploring the farmer’s market, so I’ll be getting some walking in also.
You are such an inspiration. I’m going to run a half-marathon, so I’m going to start running at least 4 days a week.
The one thing that I have a goal for years that I fail at is exercise and this year I am trying really hard to stick to it..I need to commit to God rather than myself. When I exercise I feel better plus I need to lose about 50 lbs to be in a healthy state. I commit the next 3 days of 20 mins of exercise/being active.
Pray for 20 min. A day to get closer to God.
I will commit to be still for 20 minutes a day. There are so many days that I hit the ground running until I fall into bed after all is done for the day. I know I can do it and I really need to! It is hard with a teenager and special needs child, but I just need to set aside 20 minutes a day to just be still and listen to GOD!
First of all, thank you for always providing feasible action steps with your challenges. I am confident that the Holy Spirit will use your “steps” in move His people to do great things.
I am writing a book about my spiritual struggles pertaining to food (working title: Holy Food Fight). I commit to 20 FULL minutes of writing each day (be it blog or not).
And you will be one of the first to get a copy. As soon as it is done 🙂
Blessings! Amberly
I am going to do more research on writing articles for magazines.
I will organize all my bills and receipts and important papers. I will. I will. And organize my closet too.
BIC (Behind in chair)– Going to spend at least 20 minutes each day with my behind in the chair writing.
I am going to write for at least 20 minutes a day. I must get my BIC and start doing it. 🙂
I’m going to attend Celebrate Recovery at my church. It’s a life group for habits, hurts, and hang ups. This is something I need to do for me. Because, like most people, I have ‘issues.’
I have some things that I’d like to list on E-bay to help pay for a conference that will get me closer to my writing goals. They are mostly items from my rubber stamp hobby that I hardly use, and if I’m going to accomplish my writing goals, I’m going to have to set aside some hobbies anyway.
I’m going to – correction, I AM – writing. Ever since I read about setting a timer to write I’m beginning to notice that I can really get a lot done in just a half hour. I used to think I need large chunks of time, but that’s not true. A half hour every day can accomplish an entire book – at least, I hope so! Of course, this is just another reminder of how much God wants me to enjoy putting the gifts He has given me to His service. He truly does provide – He provides the time, the inspiration and the words. I love Him so much!
Prayer. I know more than anything, I need to commit my dream to the Lord and hear from Him, so it’s His dream for my life I’m chasing and not a version I’ve created for myself. I don’t want to miss any of the growing He wants me to do in the process or any of the beauty of seeing a God-given dream unfold.
I tend to find it easier to “plan” or be “busy” pursuing my dreams, and the hardest thing sometimes for me to accomplish is the stillness and quietness in His presence that is required. My heart wants to go to Africa this summer with my husband to work with the orphans. My heart wants to make sense of my passion for the orphan. I want to understand why we have had two home studies and no adoptions. I want to know where the Lord is channelling this intensity my spirit has for these little ones – to love them and show the Lord to them. But I want it to be on God’s terms, not mine. So for me, the thing that will require most discipline is the practice of sitting quietly at the Father’s feet, listening for His voice to lead us.
The provision-project will be something the Lord will guide. I’m way uncomfortable with fund raising, but I know if God sends us, He’ll inspire us with some good ideas and will orchestrate the funding and child care. (He’s already started sending people to offer ideas in both these areas, so I’m very excited!)
MOVE! I’m going to move at least 20 minutes each day.
I think that I will start a dream board using pictures, and sayings that will reflect my goal of becoming a director of a local after school program. I will include brochures for some classes that I may take that will add to my resume.
I always keep a binder of articles that peak my interest. Whether it’s a place I want to go someday. A recipe I”d like to make. A book I’d like to read. I also most importantly keep a bucket list with all the goals I wish to achieve in life before I die. I’ve checked off about 80% of those goals already. It helps keep me focused on the fact that my days are numbered and I better make the most of the time I have.