Hi Ladies –

I’m sitting in a hotel in Colorado Springs and just can’t get to sleep. It’s been a great day with a visit to MOPS headquarters getting to present to many people on their staff. We had fun with THE ME PROJECT, and I had a chance to meet one on one with several of their key leadership. Had lunch at a great BBQ place (Brothers, if you are ever in the Denver area. Roger is a rock star when it comes to sniffing out the best dives.)  Thanks to those of you who were praying for my time there.

Wednesday, I have a radio interview with Focus on the Family.

As you can imagine, I’m a wee bit nervous.

I will be sharing about THE HUSBAND PROJECT (to be broadcast at a later date.) I would love your prayers that I communicate clearly, would be able to sleep tonight, and would be an encouragement to those who are wanting more for their marriages.

Thanks friends. I’ll let you know how it goes.