If you’re looking for some practical ways to revitalize your quiet time with God, pair this post from the archives with Kathi and Erin’s tips for “Creating a Quiet Time Space.”
What is the number one reason you don’t have your time with God in the morning?
I know the obvious answer is time, but I think there is a different reason: It’s our overwhelming need to do it “right”.
I feel like if I can’t have a “good” quiet time — one with prayer, meditation, Bible reading and reading a devotional — then why bother? So I let my overwhelming need for perfection keep me from having a meaningful relationship with God. My quiet time had become like cleaning my kid’s bathroom: if I couldn’t do it perfectly, I wouldn’t even start.
I kept thinking that I would have a chunk of time to really do the kind of devotion I wanted. But that chunk of time never magically happened. And my quiet time suffered. Or didn’t happen.
One of the things I’ve learned in other areas of my life is the principle of 85%: Doing something 85% well is about the best we can hope for or expect. It takes the perfectionistic spirit out of things, while still giving me something to strive for.
So I started to apply this principle to my time with God. I would start off with 10% and work my way up. I figured one minute was better than nothing.
What I didn’t expect was the subtle way that my heart changed during the 10%. At first, I would grit it out, and force myself to do more and more as time went on.
But as I started to spend time with God again after a dry period, just that little bit of time, just one minute, I wanted more. I would tell myself I was just going to spend a minute or two reading Jesus Calling, or praying, or reading in I John, but I kept wanting to linger a little. Wanting to go a little deeper.
Eventually, it became 15 minutes. 15 minutes was a good amount of time: enough to spend some time with God and get my morning right, but short enough that it felt manageable. Often, I spend much more time than that. But I don’t skip it because it’s “too much”.
If you are wrestling with quiet time, could I talk you into trying a one minute quiet time? Does it feel like it would be cheating God? Can I be the one to give you permission to be OK with just getting started? God longs to be with you. One minute, that will turn into 15.
“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”
Psalm 34:8
- If you have a regular quiet time, can you tell us one tip that helps you stay consistent?
- If you are struggling with your quiet time, and are willing to do a one minute devotional, tell me that in the comments below, and i will pray for you as you get started.
Thanks for this, I was guilty of not having ample time with God, but I am encouraged now, my 15 minutes will turn into 20, then 25, and keep increasing.
You have been a blessing indeed.
Oh my goodness, did I need to read this. I’m in. I’ve been struggling, but SURELY I can fit 1 minute in my busy day with my 6, 4, and 2 year old – and my 36 year old husband!
Thanks for the reminder that I need not be perfect. I’m going to strive for 85%… sounds a lot better.
Me, too! I can do 1 minute before the craziness commences 🙂 (and likely the craziness won’t be so crazy if I’ve had that minute, or more, each morning)
2 things that have worked for me:
First, spend time with God before I check my email or get engaged with any aspect of “work” (thus my “late” response here 😉 ) And secondly, changing the time of day I spend. I am a night person and often work until close to midnight, so getting up in the morning with enough time to spend before getting my daughter to school just isn’t going to happen. I spend my time with God in the evening after my daughter is in bed and before I begin my evening work hours. I figure God’s up any way and He never “closes,” so He might be glad for the company at that hour!
I am overwhelmed with being a stay at home mom, a babysitter, an outside worker on the weekends, being a wife, daughter and friend. Please pray I make the time to sit quiet with God for “a minute” a day. Thank you. M~
I have been struggling with this for a while. I have recently started to go the mass every morning which has been a blessing. Thank you for your ministry. I really needed to hear this today!
How right you are, Kathy! In Hebrews the writer compels his readers not to drift away but to consider Jesus! I, too, have needed to reduce my devotion time to Jesus Calling and allow just that. Jesus draws near to those who draw near to Him. He does call us and the reward for answering goes beyond our wildest expectations. Because He loves us that much!
Right on target. My perfectionism gets the best of me too often, whether it’s regarding my own quiet time, or the Bible time I try to have with my kids during the day. Thanks for the encouragement that confirms what I’ve already been working on: just get started. Little bits really do add up!
I agree, you just have to do it and you will be blessed.
One minute is a great place to start! God takes what we give Him and multiplies it…turns it into a miracle even. I have found He will keep the benefits flowing to me all day long when I begin the day with even a minute devoted to delighting myself in Him. How awesome is that? I keep a 3×5 card with a verse handy. I’ve discovered when I keep my thoughts throughout the day focused on Him and His great love for me, my mood is more positive and I am happier. One minute is a great place to start!
I struggle with this too….. I noticed that I never started a day with out my Diet soda (my form of caffine)…. so I began to put God first, before I take that first drink, I spend time with God, whether it’s 5 minutes or 30, depending on the days schedule. To help take away as many excuses as possible I set up a “place” to meet God. I took one of those pretty boxes you can get at the fabric or craft stores and in it I put my bible, a devotional guide or 2, a journal, pen and pencil. I placed the box in my favorite room of the house, on top of the table so I can see it. This has helped with more consistent times spent in prayer, study and just enjoying the presence of God. just some suggestions that might help:)
Thanks for the encouragement Kathi! I too have let my quiet time slip to the wayside lately. It’s just too comfy in bed to get up early enough to do it. I know it will just get harder once school is out in a few weeks. Time to get into the habit now. I’ll be starting with one minute tomorrow as well! Thank you!!
Thank you so much for this article! I usually try (keyword: TRY!) to have my quiet time at night, but it usually gets pushed aside for other chores or bedtime. I’m willing to start with one minute in the mornings instead!
I am wrestling big time with my quiet time with God. Although I study regularly, I know I am missing an important part of my relationship with God. I’m not sure what is holding be back, I’m not a perfectionist. I have been thinking I am afraid, afraid of letting go, afraid of what I will find out about myself, afraid of what He will ask of me, afraid of…many things. I will pledge to do one minute, starting tomorrow morning. Thanks Kathi, you are such a blessing in my life. You have challanged me to go above and beyond.
Tina – thanks for sharing that. I pray that God shows you clearly what is going on and gives you the steps to go forward. Thanks for the words of encouragement!
When I first started my quiet time with the Lord it was in micro minutes. Then one morning it dawned on me that if I gave up my morning crossword puzzle in the paper I would have the time. It’s amazing how we find the time when we really want to. I found out if I have time to sit down to a cup of coffee I have time to devote to quiet time.
Ruth – thanks for sharing that. It is amazing how we allow other things to eat our primetime!
I, too, am a perfectionist and struggle with thinking that if it can’t be a marathon session of bible reading and prayer then it doesn’t cut it. Thank you for sharing TRUTH!
marissa – from a fellow perfectionist, I cheer you on!
Thank you for this encouragment. I’ve been really convicted of my personal time with the Lord falling by the wayside as I’ve been busier with things the Lord’s allowing me to do (what a thing to say!!!!), and my sense of balance and “scheduling” has been really tossed out the window many days. I needed this reminder to just start. Somewhere. (Even for a minute.)
Shannon – God has trusted you with a TON. Bless you as you bless him!!
I so needed to read this this morning!!! I’m in! Starting this day with Jesus Calling and some prayer time.
Awesome Lana – praying!
Just what I needed to read, Kathi. I’m in.
I know I can do this Kathi. I’m so overwhelmed w/ 2 yr old twins and another one on his way in August. I have to take one minute for me. I can do it.
Caryn – that does sound overwhelming. Praying for you this morning!
Awesome Tawn. I just prayed for you and the other ladies who are committed to the one minute. You bless me girl!
I needed to hear this too. I don’t know if I have been in a dry spell, but I absolutely let life get in the way of quiet time. Just started a bible study, I hope that helps me get back into the habit of my evening chat with God.