Welcome to The Christmas Project! We are so excited to get this holiday up and going. Start planning with us now, and you will experience a more sacred and sane holiday this year  – Promise!

Project #1 – Create Your Holiday Mission Statement

Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.”

What you will need:

I know, I know. You want to dive in and start checking things off your list since it’s going to be a busy few weeks.  I get it.

But, I want you to spend ten minutes determining this: What do you want your Christmas to look like this year.

If we can go into the holidays being intentional about how we spend our time, physical and emotional energy,

it truly will be the key to a more sane and sacred celebration.

Brainstorm about what is important to you. Some years, I’m looking for Joy.  I want to experience that deep, abiding Joy that only comes from God and being with His people.

In 2011, it was different:  I was all about the Peace. Between chaos in my ministry, chaos in our home lives, chaos in my husband’s job and a triple shot of chaos with my mom’s health, I needed that peace that passes understanding. Here is what my mission statement looked like:

For Christmas 2011 I will share God’s peace with my family, my friends, and people I meet and I will to be done with my prep by December 20th so that I can experience peace during our celebration. I will read the Christmas story each morning of December.

And yes – God delivered that – even while at the mall. In December.

In 2012, here is what I want my Christmas to look like:

During this Christmas season, I want to throw off any old traditions that are just habits, and do those things that:

  1. Bring me closer to God
  2. Bring us together as a family
  3. Equip us to serve

I will ask in advance for help from Roger and the kids.

I’m putting my Christmas Plan on an index card in three places:

  • On the fridge
  • Taped to my computer
  • On the visor of my car

Since these are the three places that I need a little more Jesus during the holidays.

I’ve got a free resource to help you brainstorm and come up with a sentence (or two) about your intention this Christmas. Just go to my Facebook Author Page to download My Holiday Mission Planning Sheet (we’ll be putting all of our goodies up there!)

For a chance to win a copy of THE HUSBAND PROJECT sent to any address on your Christmas list (and it will be wrapped and a gift enclosure card will be added with your note!)  tell me on my FB author page or here at the blog write your  mission statement in the comments by Friday, November 23rd. I’ll announce the winner next Monday!

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