eye creamIt all started when I couldn’t find my eye cream.

I’d been talking with a friend who was going on and on about the great eye cream she’d been using, and I thought it was the same one I bought a few months ealier, so I wanted to go home and give it a try that night.

The only problem? I couldn’t find it.

Was it on the counter with the products I used every day?

Was it in the basket of facial products in under the sink?

Was it with my travel stuff?

Had it migrated (my cosmetics have a tendency to do that with a visiting 20 year-old daughter stopping by…)

I had no idea, so the next time I was out shopping, I picked up a little bottle of the magic lotion. Problem solved.

And then, the next week, I was retrieving a tube of toothpaste from our hall closet and that’s when I found it: the original eye cream jar. And suddenly, that 1 ounce jar weighed a pound in guilt.

How much money have I wasted in “replacing” things because I didn’t have an easy way to find them?

How much time have I wasted going to the store to “replace” those things?

How many times have I not contributed financially to a cause I believe in because I’m short on funds (from re-buying things)?

In 2013, I’ve made a pledge to “Use it or Lose it”. I’m committed to not buying things unless I can determine that we are absolutely out of that item. I’m going to reduce clutter in our home by not keeping around items that I will never use.

Each week I’m going to concentrate on one tiny area of my home and life to de-clutter, organize, take stock of and manage. But this isn’t just about clearing the clutter – it’s about managing the resources that God has trusted our family with. Our goal in each area is to use what we have, make do, make it last, wear it out, and when need be, replace it responsibly.

The other part of this is that I want to experience the peace that comes with knowing what we have, having less of what we don’t need, and being free to give away those things that weigh us down mentally, physically and spiritually.

I’ll be blogging through my adventures in minimizing, clearing the clutter and freeing up time and space in our home.

I would love to hear from you which parts of your house you want to get under control, so I can make sure I hit it.