Day 4We are giving away a copy of Praying God’s Word for Your Husband to one of our commenters today, so join the conversation!

There is more month than there is paycheck. I can’t keep up with the work — both inside the house and outside of it. My parents need me, my kids need me, and my husband needs me.

Throughout the day, I am reminded that there is never enough.
Enough money.
Enough time.
Enough me to go around.

And so often, it’s easy to put that burden on my husband – He doesn’t make enough money. He isn’t helping out enough with the house. He isn’t helping out enough with the family. Whether it’s silently, or in my attitude.

But when I’m lacking, it’s not up to my husband to meet my need. It’s totally up to God.

And my God will meet
all your needs according
to the glorious riches
in Christ Jesus.
— Philippians 4:19

God, I pray that I would always be reminded to put my burden where it belongs — squarely at your feet. You already know what I need for each day – you see around every corner.
I pray that I would come to my husband as a partner and helpmate in everything.

Tell me – what are you struggling with “enough” of: Time, money, energy, space? Tell me in the comments below.We are giving away a copy of Praying God’s Word for Your Husband to one of our commenters today, so join the conversation!