We are giving away a copy of Praying God’s Word for Your Husband to one of our commenters today, so jump in!
Would I want to come home to my house? It’s an honest question. Depending on the day, yes. And no.
There are days when I’ve worked hard at making my home a soft place to land. I’ve spent a little time cleaning up messes, getting dinner on the table, and put some music on the iPod that helps me connect with God.
Then there are other days.
Usually the other days have involved a little too much TV and a lot too much Facebook. I end up scrambling to pray up a miracle for dinner, and am resentful that all of this is left to me to do.
When I spend time in God’s word, I go into my day being grateful for the home, husband, job and family God has given me, instead of being resentful for the interruptions that they impose on my day. How long did I hope for the husband and kids I now have? How many others would love to have the home I now have, messy and mortgage payments included?
I want to walk through my day — and my home — with an abundance of gratitude. So much so, that when my husband, or anyone else — comes through the threshold, they can’t help but get that thankfulness splashed on them.
The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.
— Proverbs 14:1
God, let me be the wise woman who builds up her home and all who are in it. God, don’t let me get years down the road and see that I’ve been the one tearing it down. Let it be a safe haven for all who enter, especially for my husband.
a house of peace….
Tell me one of the “interruptions” you are grateful for today. We are giving away a copy of Praying God’s Word for Your Husband to one of our commenters today, so don’t be shy!
When my kids want me to come and hang with them <3
My kids and husband and all they do and not do which I think they should know.
I love when my little guy brings me a book and crawls into my lap at random moments!
I am thankful for my little guy, 9 month old Earl! Although he still gets me up at night, I try to remember he is healthy and I wanted him for so long.
I am thankful when my daughter interrupts me with a call from college. I’m always so glad that she still wants to share whats going on with me and that I know she’s safe and happy.
My kids and my husband are the most precious interruptions that I have. I just wish that I could ALWAYS remember that.
I don’t think this post could have been more timely… honestly. I opened my day in God’s Word, but it has slipped through my fingers and not stayed at the forefront of my mind. I have let minor irritations become mountainous obstacles to scale. The good news: Tomorrow is a new day!
YOU did! YOU interupted my day with this devotional.
And boy am I glad you did. I have been struggling for the past week and a half with being sucked into the vortex of nothingness…computer-itus, internet pit of doom! My normal routine has been all messed up due to a minor medical issue and I have been relegated to the house….and I am out of my element, out of sync. Spinning out of control in the doing nothing mode, then scrambling last minute to get it all together for dinner ect…yep, thats been me!
Thank you, thank you for reminding me that I have been given a gift from God of my husband, this house (yes with payments), and the life that we live…together. Thank you for reminding me…right smack dab in the middle of my “funk”, that I have the ability to tear down this house of mine, or take care of it…build it up.
Thank you for reminding me that God wants me to be that righteous proverbs31 woman!
Thank you…God!
It’s funny how God can continue to bring up the same topic to get my attention. Over and over lately- through sermons and other readings- I’ve been reminded about the difference thankfulness makes in life, and how it’s even part of God’s will for me (1Thess 5:18).
I feel that my lack of thankfulness lately has shown in my short and less than respectful responses to my husband. Even though I didn’t like it at the time, I’m thankful he pointed out that my responses to him were making him feel disrespected and that he was quick to forgive.
So thankful for my husband and two kids…and even for our small, messy house. Will need to keep praying that I will have the motivation to clean and make it more peaceful.
I’m thankful for a visit from my 22 year old son. It’s a short visit…but still a visit!
I am loving this blog series. Today’s thought really applies to me. I have not had a happy attitude towards the good things I have in life like my house, husband and kids. This is a great reminder to see the positive in all of them and not get pulled into the negative. I am grateful to have a wonderful husband and 3 great kids who I don’t give enough credit. I will make this one of my daily prayers and work on turning that attitude inside me around. When I am negative, it can bring the whole house down and I wasn’t thinking about that.
I am just learning to pray for my husband! That has never been a part of my spiritual life so far. It was a difficult thing to commit to in times of a struggling marriage. When my husband goes to work at 5 am, he is so quiet getting ready as not to wake anyone up. But then, right before he leaves, he sits on the side of my bed and leans down and hugs and kisses me until I wake up. He then says the same thing every time. “I love you”. It cracks me up that he does this. In the beginning it used to frustrate me that he would wake me up, but now, I love, long for, and even miss the interruption when it doesn’t happen!
I’m so thankful for my 2 kids and my husband. We are blessed.
I’m thankful for the times my husband interrupts me while I’m reading or watching something and asks me to come pray w/ him.
I’m thankful for my grandkids & every minute I get to see them! They make me smile and laugh & I need that everyday But I know I can’t handle them everyday OR All day even so I cherish every minute I have with them
I’m thankful for my 3 little boys who are home from school today.
I am thankful for my part-time job at the school my boys go to. It forces me to stay on track to get things done before I go and lets me get out and socialize with other women when I tend to hide in my house. God is good a gentle pushes forward!
I am so thankful for my daughter and son who tend to interupt everything. Lol, they are a blessing!
I am so thankful for my husband who never complains about going to work and providing for our family. He is amazing!
I am thankful that we are having dinner with some friends, so my husband can get away from work a little bit earlier and have some fun.
Today I am thankful for the interruptions of children getting little owies. I’m thankful that is usually the worst we suffer, and thankful that I have kids to get little hurts. I’m also thankful for the lessons they learn through hurting themselves. Better a small hurt now, than a large one later.
I am grate for the times of interruptions of my husband or children are just wanting to sit and talk, after a long day. I am reminded to treasure the times to just sit and talk or maybe not say nothing at all but to just “BE TOGETHER”. Life is precious and in this crazy busy life we take for granted the quality time we spend together as a family. I just lost my dad in September and it truly made me look at how I’m spending my time. I don’t want to miss any opportunity to “be interrupted” by those I hold close to my heart. I pray God will keep me reminded just how short life is, and to never think any interruption is not important.
Today I am thankful that I am able to be at home with my children when they are sick and can’t go to school…..it interrupts my to do list…..but given the right perspective it is a joy and a blessing, as much for me as for them. And that’s just today’s interruption, there are so many to be thankful for:).
I’ve been married 32 years….and I have often said, “If I had it to do over again, I would have treated my husband more like a KING and my home more like a CASTLE……now that I am, we are living the life of happily everafter……
I’m grateful when my husband “interrupts” my computer time, my reading time, and my quiet time to talk to me. We’ll be married 24 years next month, and I’m so grateful that God has given me a man who still shares his life, his hopes, and his dreams with me.
I am thankful for my interruptions- My two 20 mo old daughters who like to make huge messes that distract me from my work! Thank you for setting my day in the right direction. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that my first priority is loving my family, not completely my to-do list, especially when sometimes all I do is leave a bigger mess in the wake of my whirlwind.
I am grateful for my husband “interrupting” me working in my home office to see if I wanted to go with him to pick up our son at school. I love spending time with him doing those little things, these are the moments that over time shape our memories 🙂
I am grateful for my beautiful children and wonderful family. After going a time with my other half not having work, I am grateful he has a job again (almost a yr now). Thank you for this blog this morning, I feel like you were speaking directly to me!! 🙂
I am thankful for this blog and how it “interrupted” my day and allowed me to realize that I need to make my house a home that I would want to come home to. I have so many times said “I don’t even want to be here.” I never realized the problem could be me.. thank you for this encouragement.
I am very thankful for my Husband. 7 years ago I was the woman who tore her house apart. We had just moved to Cali. and I was stuck in the mind set of ” things were so good back there” I was neglecting my kids and my husband. I was dwelling on the past so much, I took my older son whom my husband accepted as his own left him and our youngest behind, back to Colo. and the old happier life I thought was there. Too make a long story short, I wound up hitting rock bottom (after rubbing an affair into my husbands face) with an overdose. God picked me up and put me into a recovery home. I spent 15 months there learning about God. My husband drove out to Colorado and went to his best friends wedding. He didn’t have to even let me know he was there. He surprised me any way, and even more so when he said ‘Divorce is not and option. I made a covenant with you before God and I will not be the one to break it, it will have to be you if that’s what you want.’ I knew right then and there I was not the only one being worked on.
It has been one rollercoaster of a ride but my man is one I would not exchange for any other in this world.
I am grateful for the interruption of having to drive my husband to work and back to pick him up because it means he has a job to support our family.
I am grateful for the interruptions of my child and friends. 🙂
I thankful for the interruption when my husband calls to see how my day is going. I’m usually busy at the time, but it is wonderful….
My biggest interruptions are my kids. I can spend all day cleaning and cooking and within 5 min they can make it look like I did nothing that day, but I would not give them up for anything.
I’m grateful for the interruptions of our children; even interrupted sleep to comfort them after a bad dream.
I am thankful for all the “interuptions”! (Thankful for what you are doing also!)
I am Thankful that I have a husband that does not mind helping get my car started cause the interior light was left on!!
I am very thankful for my husband. We try so hard to love one another and encourage each other and most days we do well. as of late I feel we are being tested in this as our daughters car needing brake lines replaced,fixed! our sons starter broke in his truck being fixed and then last night a water leak on lamenate flooring in the beauty shop I own (which my husband just repaired water leak in the bathroom of salon that ruined half the floor and he replaced last month) Which he is our repairman for all theses things and works full time and with the weather ( he is county employee and plows snow which in Ohio has been alot this month and last) yet he never complains so I try to help and encourage and have wonderful dinners ready clothes washed and ready and we smile, love each other and not want it any other way!! We are so very blessed and we thank God everyday and all day long:))
Thank you for your words. I am very thankful for the life I have with my husband and kids. I’m not sure I show it enough. And hearing you say that it is lack of prayer is and time spent with God is that I need to spend more time with Him to be able to love on my family better.
you have been chosen as our winner, please email bronwyn@kathilipp.com
I am beyond thankful for my toddler saying “I wanna hold you mommy” when she wants picked up…even when we are rushed in the morning and I might prefer she help get out of the door a little more independently.
I am thankful for the ‘interuptions’ of my children, whom Dr’s claimed that I would never be able to have… My daughter and my son are truly God’s precious gifts to us
I’m thankful for my family and God’s word!
I am thankful for my husband and kids. They are sooo worth all the interruptions
I am thankful for my children wanting to play outside with me, do art with me, and help me in any way they can – I am blessed.
I’m thankful for my piles of laundry…it means there are family members around and well who wear it. I can choose to pray for my loved ones who wear the clothes I’m folding. Thank you for your post today, hit the spot.
My husband is working at home two days a week now. When I’m trying to write, those “interruptions” come when he is on the phone with co-workers and clients. At first, I found it irritating, but now, because I love having him around, I take it all in stride.
i work part-time and have a flexible schedule, but I like to get things done instead of waiting till the last minute. I’m a schedule-oriented person. At least once a week my husband, whose work schedule is also flexible, asks me to breakfast once we get the kids to school. The first couple of times, I thought, “Oh, I was going to get ___ done during that time.” But then I remembered how precious that time is and it excites me that my husband asks me to breakfast! Now I just put away my iPad and work stuff and go and enjoy it! I treasure that time and look forward to it.
Praying that I provide a soft place to land & that I am a positive influence & an encouragement to my husband. I am so thankful to be able to be a stay at home mom…I do get to work 1 day/wk and wouldn’t change that, it is my break from house & home 🙂
Thank you for this message Kathi. I am a working mom and have been blessed with a man who enjoys cooking and often makes dinner – last night was one of those nights. But unlike most nights after he finished cooking he walked out of the kitchen and announced he needed to lie down. It reminded me that although he loves playing chef, he sometimes needs to be a man and got to his cave and unwind from the daily stresses.
This post spoke to my heart! I work full time outside of the home and what I wouldn’t give for a “soft place to land”, but I have a close friend who is single, without children, and who longs for a family, so being thankful for my husband and chrildren, in spite of the mess and craziness is important.
Often when I am trying to get things done (clean up, make dinner, get us out the door, etc.) my 3 year old (our middle child) will come up to me and say, “Mommy, I need to tell you something.” Once he gets me to stop what I’m doing and give him my undivided attention, he says, “I love you, Mommy!” and gives me a giant hug. It’s those moments that pull me out of my hectic cycle and remind me about what really matters.
Exchanging a toaster that wasn’t working…. Grateful for the Word, your words and daily provision. Thankyou Kathi
While vacuuming today, my 2 year old son had to get out his toy vacuum cleaner and push it right where I was trying to vacuum… I love that he wants to help! 🙂