Lean In
The much buzzed-about book by the COO of Facebook, Sheryl forces you to look at your role as a woman in the workplace through research and case studies. Sounds dry, but trust me, it’s a fascinating read and will make each of us reevaluate our own thoughts on women in leadership – ourselves and those around us.
The Christian Mama’s Guide to Parenting a Toddler
OK so I’m so past this stage – I was reading this book for exactly two reasons:
1. I’m doing research for a book that I’m writing
2. I find Erin to be an entertaining, been-there-survived-the-
Erin has released four books all at the same time on the ages and stages of parenting and I find them fun, real and smart. Totally fun read (especially since I’m not in that stage anymore…)
Death Comes to Pemberly
Because Pride and Prejudice ended a whole book too early. Because I can’t get enough of Mr. Darcy. Because I have to wait until 2014 for more Downton Abbey. Jane Austin and Agatha Christie all rolled into one. Delish.
Thrift Store Saints Meeting Jesus Twenty-Five Cents at a Time
“The spirituality of the St. Vincent de Paul Society is that the poor are our teachers and we are their students.” This is from Jane Knuth, the reluctant thrift store volunteer and author of Thrift Store Saints. A collection of stories about the clients she encountered and how they changed her and the rest of the workers. Funny, smart and hopeful. I finished this book in one sitting.
I almost didn’t pick this up because it is an Oprah Pick – most of her Picks are books without a lot of hope or redemption. But this story about a woman who decides she is going to hike the west coast is smart, funny, and redeeming in parts. Anyone who has ever come to the end of herself will identify with this woman’s journey.
Those are my picks! Tell me what books I should be reading this month – if I see a trend I’ll make sure I get them read!
I hope you’ll also check out Just 18 Summers, my new novel that releases on April 1. (More info at http://www.just18summers.com.) Eighteen years sounds like a long time–but we really have just 18 summers before our children leave home. Don’t forget to make some memories!
I second the MOPS theme book The Artists Daughter!!!! 🙂
Thanks, Kathi! I just added your book list to my Evernote list of good books to pick up and read. Glad you find time to read – isn’t it awesome to enjoy a good book?
yes it is! Always wishing I had more time to read though.
The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges to get you back on track spiritually.
Kathi, not to put myself forward, but a book I think you should be reading is my recently published book by Westboow Press, entitled: Helping Hurting Children: A Journey of Healing. It is designed to guide children through losses in their lives. You can learn more about it my visiting my website at: http://www.marthafbush.com
I’ve just finished “Bread and Wine” by Shauna Niequist. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Check out my friend Cheryl’s book, The Carnelian Legacy! Also, the MOPS theme book for next year, The Artist’s Daughter is going to be FANTASTIC!