We are taking a coffee break today (ha ha ha) with my friends over at Happy Wives Club!
Grab a cup of your favorite brew, and check out my article 3 Ways to Love Your Man When You Don’t Have 3 Minutes to Spare.
Tomorrow we’ll get back to our Coffee Series.
In the meantime, what are your favorite ways to show your man you love him in the midst of crazy times?
I love to either put the candy’s Hershey Hugs & Hershey Kisses in his car,lunch or briefcase,etc. so when he gets to work he has a little surprise. I usually get a call ( even a voice message- “You too!”) Nice quick way just to remind each other that “we” matter!
My husband travels pretty much every week. My favorite ways to show him I love him is to pray with him nightly (no matter how late he calls), pack his suitcase each and every week – usually leaving some sort of surprise in there for him, and being available – undistracted – to welcome him home each weekend.