After two book deadlines and a death in our family, I’ve gotten behind on the 2014 Things Challenge (haven’t we all!?!) Well if you need a little inspiration, check out this post from Kori over at
It’s never too late! You can do this. Even if you just got rid of 10 items a day, you could start today and not be behind.
If you’re feeling behind, here are a couple of places to get some numbers quickly:
- Go through your magazine rack and pitch any issue that is over three months old
- Go through your gadget drawer in your kitchen
- Now that the weather is warm, (at least in most parts of the country. Sorry silly Colorado…) donate any clothes you didn’t wear all winter, as well as any summer clothes that you’re pulling out that just don’t work for you anymore.
- Do the same with your kid’s clothes
- Look at the paperwork on your desk. Every decision is a thing and it counts
You can do this friends. I promise.
I just bought your book The Get Yourself Organized Project. On page 41 it reads.for step #3 : ” Print out THE GET YOURSELF ORGANIZED cards. Go to our website ( and print out the cards for an easy reference for each room. It will be much handier than referring to the book for each step of the way.” I cannot find it anywhere. Can you help?
We did it! Just today! 2014 things out! Some trashed, others recycled, a few gifted, and all of it gone! Thanks for the inspiration to do this challenge. We are motivated to keep going.
I heard there may be a list to print for the 2014 get rid of challenge. I would like the link for that please.
Some additional ideas:
Go through all your pens and ditch the ones that don’t work anymore.
Go through the pencils and get rid of the nubby ones, the ones with worn erasers.
Go through your makeup and ditch everything over a year old (6 months for mascara) as well as those colors that just don’t flatter you
Hit a book shelf and keep only what you love
Hangers….I’ve thrown out almost 100 and a swear they keep having babies!