focusonthefamily fight perfectionismFight Perfectionism Photo Jim Kathi CheriAre you tired of feeling tied to your everyday way of living?

Are you trying to do something new in your life, but are scared to take the next step?

Boy, have I got something special for you today.

Today on Focus on the Family, my coauthor Cheri and I are talking with Jim Daly about the struggle each of us go through to fight perfectionism and live the life that God designed us to live.

Here is the link to our conversation.

And here is the the free download that we talked about – how to discover which of the four perfectionist bullies is beating you up and what to do about it:

The 4 P Bullies at a Glance

Cheri gets real and honest about her struggles with perfectionism (talking about stuff even I didn’t know) and what it led her to. You won’t want to miss this powerful couple of days.