What I’ll Be Doing While You Stand In Line to Watch 50 Shades
A girlfriend told us last week that she’s planning a girl’s night to go watch 50 Shades of Grey with her friends in a few weeks. And another friend is planning on going to the movie with her husband for their Valentine’s Day night out.
We hope they have a great time. Really, we do. But we won’t be going with them.
Because we’ll be at home having sex with our husbands.
We’ll just come right out and say it: We’re not feeling overly enthused with the entire 50 Shades of Grey phenomenon. Are these the kind of romantic heroes on which we want to base our love stories?
It doesn’t make sense to us.
We don’t want that for ourselves, but even more, we can’t stand the thought of our daughters believing that 50 Shades of Grey is a modern fairy tale. And we’re afraid that’s exactly where our culture is headed: Christian Grey has been elevated to some sort of modern Mr. Darcy and the true romantic heroes of our time—men like our husbands who cherish us and have never demeaned us—are labeled as… boring?
It really doesn’t make sense.
But we don’t have to let it make sense. We can stand up and say that we don’t want Anastasia and Christian to be our romantic example. Not when we have so many better examples—examples of men and women who have chosen to love each other fully, to never demean, to never demoralize, to keep sex as a wonderful, intimate gift that always builds, always protects, always loves.
We want that kind of love.
Not boring. Not prude. Not a vanilla-missionary-between-the-sheets-every-Friday-at-eight type. But a love full of passion, full of romance. The kind of love that dances in the living room naked to the Bee-Jees at 8’o clock on a Tuesday. I want us to kiss often and laugh even more. I want to make our kids say “EWWW!” when we make out while in the minivan. I want us to try new things, to get to know each other, to keep each other guessing, to have a red hot sex life that knows no bounds other than to keep each other fully engaged. And to show each other that we are fully loved.
That’s what we want. For ourselves and for our daughters and their future husbands. And for all of our friends who want the same things.
Which is why we wrote our book series, Hot Mama. We want sex to be a good thing—no, an amazing thing—and we want the Christian women in America to have the tools and inspiration to make it everything it can be.
And it’s also why we’ve come up with an alternative to watching 50 Shades of Grey. We’re calling it the 50 Shades Movie Challenge. It’s pretty simple: While women across America are standing in rainy lines outside of theaters on February 14th waiting to watch 50 Shades of Grey, you will be at home having sex. Because why watch two people having sex when you can actually have sex with your husband?
Will you join us?
If so, feel free to grab one of the images from this post and post it on your Facebook page along with an explanation as to why you will be doing what you’re doing. (As if you need an explanation to have hot sex with your husband.) Let’s start a new revolution. And make marriages in America hotter.
PLUS, to help make this challenge even easier, we’ll be giving away 10 copies of our new e-Book, 10 Ideas to Inspire Red Hot Sex, to 10 people who share this post on their Facebook pages. Just share the link to your Facebook post in the comments on this blog and you’ll be entered to win. Good luck!
I’m not sure if I’m doing this right, but here it goes…..and I do agree whole-heartedly with your viewpoints about this subject.
Great idea. Thank you.
I am so excited to be a part of this. Married 25 years in December. I’m sick & tired of the world pushing Christian marriage in the minority. 50 shades of grey has nothing on my romance. Mrs.Victory
You go, girl!
Going to post to my fb! This is awesome! God bless!
I announced this challenge to our MOPS group this morning and posted on the Facebook page. I wonder how many pregnancy announcements we’ll have later in the spring?! https://www.facebook.com/groups/cvmops/permalink/910179315681359/
I am thinking of writing a wine drinkers guide to simple dinner pairings and calling it “Fifty Shades of Grape” now THAT is sexy!!!
Target has a line of 50 Shades products out … No kidding, search on their website. A friend saw them at the store.
Yes love the idea of the challenge.Let’s LOVE on our husbands 🙂
So agree with this blog and am not ashamed to say I love my husband and I love being his one and only sex partner. We would never go back to our younger days because we have learned to love one another well and the more we learn about each other and accept one another the more passion swells within us. You are my man, Jason Marlow Mills.
Typed on my cell… so please excuse the big finger syndrome and all the misspelled words 🙂
Do what you enjoy and enjoy doing what you love.
Kathi I like your idea and I do plan to lavish my hubby that night and many others. I will not be posting on my Facebook though seeing I have girl scouts who follow me.
I will say this, ladies please stop with the judgement.
You can read these books and not fantasizes. I had not one when I read them. I feel I lost 6 hours of my life on 3 books though.
This lifestyle is someone’s version of love. It may not be yours but it is someones. And the judgement isn’t really so loving. You like your door opened for you and some like their bottoms spanked.
Dominance and submissiveness is in the Bible… furthermore, it doesn’t make you a slut. Most women are submissive in one way or another to their husband.
Lastly, Christians can like kink and not be sinners. There is nothing wrong worth voicing what you want to the one who should enjoy pleasing you. Most sec lives are drab because too many women are scared to voice wants.
Great idea!
AMEN!!! There was so much hype about the book so I have to admit I did read it but felt it was basically trash. To take a young girl from virginity to slut is no way to treat a young woman. How does domination represent love? There was recently a Lifetime movie where a woman in a bad marriage turned to a domination relationship. It was glorifying this man who was helping her explore her sexuality and then it was like she got her confidence and was ready to end this relationship and move on. REALLY??? Disappointed in Lifetime. No I do not want to see 50 shades of Grey, and I will share a portion of your email but not that I am having sex since my FB friends range in age and some are related 🙂
An evening of intimacy with my covenant husband sounds wonderful! I have been convicted by the Holy Spirit that ANY novel/movie/television program that causes me to be a “voyeur” into someone else’s sexual life is a sin. Christian women have been deluded into thinking that this type of thing is not equal to Porn but that is a lie from the pits of Hell. We have no business salivating over this type of filth and the woman who says “I just imagine it’s me and my husband” is telling herself a big lie. That’s NOT who she’s thinking of when she’s reading/seeing this filth.
Good work, sister friend. ????
I tried to put a heart at the end of my comment and it inserted question marks! Grr
Great idea! My hubby will love it. 🙂 I went to click on the link for your new e-book, and it took me to Amazon. Since my young daughters have kindles, they have access to my content as well (we have older versions). Is this going to be published another way so I can buy it without sharing…….until they are older?
I was mortified when ladies at our church’s mom’s group were praising this book as being a love story. The more I heard, the more I was appalled at this twisted view of love. I think this challenge is an excellent one, though I agree with Trish above. My hubby would not appreciate me posting something like that. Thanks for your putting into words what I was feeling about the movie and real love.
Thanks for speaking out! I don’t have a Facebook page (or any social media page) on which to share, so no link here either.
I shared it but not sure how to put the link here. I totally agree with you. Not what I would want for myself or anyone else.
I’ve been having these thoughts about how to keep sex spicy in my marriage without all the extras. Thank you Kathi. Make sure you pick me 😉
You totally said it right when you said this: “We don’t want that for ourselves, but even more, we can’t stand the thought of our daughters believing that 50 Shades of Grey is a modern fairy tale. And we’re afraid that’s exactly where our culture is headed: Christian Grey has been elevated to some sort of modern Mr. Darcy and the true romantic heroes of our time–men like our husbands who cherish us and have never demeaned us–are labeled as… boring?
It really doesn’t make sense.
But we don’t have to let it make sense. We can stand up and say that we don’t want Anastasia and Christian to be our romantic example. Not when we have so many better examples–examples of men and women who have chosen to love each other fully, to never demean, to never demoralize, to keep sex as a wonderful, intimate gift that always builds, always protects, always loves.”
Put me in the running to win the e-book, and keep writing, girl. I’m a big fan:)
I’m also in total agreement with you on this one. Some of my girlfriends at work were totally caught up in this book and wanted me to read it too. I explained to them I don’t need to read porn for women!
Kath, I totally agree with you on Fifty Shades of Gray. But I would no more post on my site that I’m having sex with my husband (on any day) than I would go see this movie. My intimate life with my husband is just that…intimate. As in, between he and I. And he would be absolutely mortified (and feeling a bit disrespected). This is one I just can’t share.