We’ve been flinging clutter left and right this year. Between our Clutter Free Bible Study during Lent and the Spring Fling we just wrapped up in May, I’ve noticed a few things.
First, you are all a bunch of rock stars. Fling 200 things in 10 days? Piece of cake. Our Facebook group is overflowing with the most astonishing before-and-after photos of your successes. I’m thrilled to see not just what you’ve done in your homes, but also the freedom you gained from flinging the stuff that no longer brings you joy.
Here’s what else I’ve noticed. Life doesn’t stop just because you’ve decided to gain control over this area of your life. Stuff keeps coming in the house – sometimes faster than you can release it – and it doesn’t always belong to you. If other people live in your home, their stuff can pose an even bigger challenge than your own.
How to eliminate 1,000 things in 5-weeks!
So here’s the deal. We are Clutter Free because we love a good challenge, and we work best when we’re under the gun. Starting June 12 and ending July 14, we’re hosting a Five-Week Fling to help you eliminate 1,000 things from your home. Gone for good.
Here’s how it works:
1. Over five weeks (weekends off to rest or catch up), we’re going to work together to eliminate 40 things a day from various parts of your home.
2. In our private Facebook group, you’ll share your victories and progress photos, and get accountability, encouragement and support every step of the way.
3. To participate, just make sure you are signed up to receive our blog, and then join our Facebook group.
So let’s see, only five weeks and 1,000 things out of your house? What a great way to launch your summer.
Won’t you join our Five-Week Fling? Your house will thank you.
Join the Spring Fling Now!
Hi. I’m pretty sure that there was a PDF that helped you decide what to eliminate and where. But I can’t seem to locate it now? Will you please send me the PDF?
Thanks so much. Really enjoy your blog!
Wonderful weekend!
Do you have to have Facebook to participate?
Carolyn, there will be posts about the fling on the blog, so you’ll be able to join in there. Members of the private Facebook group will have extra support from conversations together.
Trying to sign up for your Blog emails, but it wouldn’t let me submit. Could you sign me up please?
Hello! I’m not sure why the blog email sign-up isn’t working, but you’re welcome to sign up for the fling here:
I would love to do this!
Great! Join us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/clutterfreeacademy/
where do you sign up?
Sorry about that! https://www.facebook.com/groups/clutterfreeacademy/
Sorry about that! https://www.facebook.com/groups/clutterfreeacademy/
I’m not sure what the private fb group page is, I may have looked over it
Sorry about that! https://www.facebook.com/groups/clutterfreeacademy/
Hi Nikki,
Here’s the FB link:
Hope you can join us!
Please sign me up. I would love the support. I have shared on Facebook.
Sorry about that! https://www.facebook.com/groups/clutterfreeacademy/
Please sign me up. Thanks!
Sorry about that! https://www.facebook.com/groups/clutterfreeacademy/
I would love to participate in flinging.
Sorry about that! https://www.facebook.com/groups/clutterfreeacademy/
I am so in! I will be on vacation for one week in July but I won’t let that stop me from I can accomplish before we leave. Thanks!
Here’s the site! https://www.facebook.com/groups/clutterfreeacademy/
Yes! Please sign me up to de-clutterfy!
Here’s the site! https://www.facebook.com/groups/clutterfreeacademy/
Not sure I have 1000 things to fling, but I know there are things that I need to get rid of, so I’m in.
Here’s the site! https://www.facebook.com/groups/clutterfreeacademy/
Sign me up could use it.
Here’s the site! https://www.facebook.com/groups/clutterfreeacademy/
please sign me up
Here’s the site! https://www.facebook.com/groups/clutterfreeacademy/
I am ashamed I signed up for the 200 things in 10 days and did not do it. I am resolved to eliminate 1,500 things in 5 weeks+ (I’m starting TODAY). I turn 50 on July 31st and I want my house to be cleansed from top to bottom when I do.
This may seem impossible, but I truly believe with God all things are possible because He said so. Please pray for my mom, Karolyn, that just received a diagnosis of High Grade Pleomorphic Sarcoma and myself to get this goal accomplished. I believe God will get rid of her cancer and He will also help me get rid of 1,500 things cluttering my life. To God be the glory forever and ever!
There is no shame here! We’re praying for your mom! Here’s the site! https://www.facebook.com/groups/clutterfreeacademy/
Yes, please… less clutter!
Here’s the site! https://www.facebook.com/groups/clutterfreeacademy/
I’m in! Wahoo! I don’t have Facebook but will be tossing 1,000 things with you!
Here’s the site! https://www.facebook.com/groups/clutterfreeacademy/