Is your nest emptying?  Dealing with transition can be hard! It is both an exciting and difficult time as you process the loss you feel as your kids move out.  We need to remember that as The Lord lets us go through the hardship of our children leaving because He has dreams for our kids, He also has dreams for us.  We don’t need to apologize for pouring into our kids or needing to be poured into ourselves.  But as we are dealing with transiton, we need be mindful of what we are preparing for in the season ahead without trying to step out of the season we are in.

Join Kathi and Marci Seither as they talk about Marci’s book Empty Nest and discuss tips for dealing with transition, as well as handling the clutter those kids can leave behind. Plus, we will learn how to be kind to ourselves in dealing with the transition from being a hands on mom turned mom of adults.


Leave a comment about one thing you did, or anticipate doing, to ease yourself through the time of dealing with  transition when your child(ren) left home for the chance to win one of 3 books we’re giving away!

*US residents only


Empty Nest Promo PDF




Meet Our Guest

Marci Seither

Marci Seither

Marci Seither’s writing career began after her humor article was published in the small-town newspaper. Since then she has authored two books and hundreds of articles for local papers as well as contributing to national publications such as Guideposts, Light & Life, and Focus On The Family.

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