Handle Paper Clutter Like a Boss: Create (and Use!) a Paper Organization File
Time and again in our Clutter Free Academy Facebook group, one subject keeps rearing it’s ugly head: “HOW do I handle all of the paper?!?” In July, we talked on Facebook Live about Kathi’s amazing, you’ll-really-use-it paper system to keep your paper clutter in check. Check out this Facebook Live to get the scoop on tackling this, our biggest clutter headache.
I like these ideas especially the Starbucks to reward yourself for doing it every day! Sometimes we just need a little motivation. My bin is from lakeside collection https://www.lakeside.com/Books–Crafts–Office-Supplies/Office-Organizers—Supplies/Blue-Chic-File-Organizer//prod2700616.jmp?fm=search
It is cute and has handles which I love because I don’t have a space for it in the living area but can easily take it out to work on stuff.
Great tips! I need help with medical/insurance paperwork, store receipts, and sentimental things I want to save but don’t know how. Would love any input : ) Thank you!